About me
UX | UI Designer & Frontend Developer
Sketch | Figma | XD | InVision | Principle | Adobe Creative Cloud | HTML | CSS | JS | Materialize | Bootstrap
I have a background in fashion design and I am really passionate about finding the best design to make customers and users happy. Due to the fact that I am deeply interested in technology and web design I visited a school for UX|UI design in 2019 and graduated successfully. I've learned about how to find user problems and ways to solve them. I like to challenge myself and grow by new learnings so I feel very excited about my new career in tech. I am finding myself as a Frontend Designer where I can combine my knowledge from both design fields and also am able to grow learning about developing!
Open CVCreative Portfolio
Below you can find some of my projects including UX|UI, Frontend and Fashion projects! Use the buttons to filter the Topic you're interested in or browse through all my projects.

Lets talk!
You'd like to work with me? You're thinking I could fit into your design team? Georgeous! I would love to get in touch with you.
Are you interest but not quiet sure? Give it a try anyway and lets see if we match!
"What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now."- Buddha