About me

UX | UI Designer & Frontend Developer
Sketch | Figma | XD | InVision | Principle | Adobe Creative Cloud | HTML | CSS | JS | Materialize | Bootstrap

I have a background in fashion design and I am really passionate about finding the best design to make customers and users happy. Due to the fact that I am deeply interested in technology and web design I visited a school for UX|UI design in 2019 and graduated successfully. I've learned about how to find user problems and ways to solve them. I like to challenge myself and grow by new learnings so I feel very excited about my new career in tech. I am finding myself as a Frontend Designer where I can combine my knowledge from both design fields and also am able to grow learning about developing!

Open CV

Creative Portfolio

Below you can find some of my projects including UX|UI, Frontend and Fashion projects! Use the buttons to filter the Topic you're interested in or browse through all my projects.

Perfectly Imperfect | Fashion
Management System | Frontend
Female Rebel | Fashion
Editorial Design | UX|UI
Military Lady | Fashion
Add a Feature | UX|UI
Wedding Couture | Fashion
Microsite | UX|UI
Metamorphosis | Fashion

Lets talk!

You'd like to work with me? You're thinking I could fit into your design team? Georgeous! I would love to get in touch with you.

Are you interest but not quiet sure? Give it a try anyway and lets see if we match!

"What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now."- Buddha
